Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome to the Online Book Club!

Welcome to the online Book Club! I can assume if you are here, you love to read about as much as I do. Let's face it, one thing that is almost as fun as reading, is discussing the amazing book you just read with others who have read it. That is what this site is all about. (Plus it's fun to start a conversation with "my book club just read...") Our lifestyles often don't allow us to make it out to book stores or actual meetings to discuss our most recent novel adventure, so we are going to take the "new age" approach and do it cyber-style.

So here is how this site is going to work. I'm going to post my ideas on a book I've read, please add your comments as well! This is how it goes from me just simply ranting to an actual discussion. What I also ask of you, is to recommend books you'd like to see reviewed on this site, this makes the experience far more interactive. Also, please suggest books you'd like us all to read so we can have a grand discussion about it. I'd prefer to stick to novels, but if a really great non-fiction comes along and you feel we would all benefit greatly from the reading experience, then by all means suggest it. This site will only be what YOU make it. So let's get started:)

As the site grows, a poll will be set to determine a book for a group readathon. I'll take your suggestions of books to read, post a poll on the site and the winning novel will be our goal for all of us to read and comment on, just like a real live book club! I will also start a book swapping post. Done with your book and want to trade it? Let's set that up! Instead of paying for a new book, all that would be required is the cost of you shipping your book. Reduce, Re-use, Recycle and lets not forget the most important "R" - READ!

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